Christian Foundations

The Bible is the most attacked book in history and the attacks keep coming at a breakneck pace, increasing all the time.  How can we hold to the teaching of Jesus when His book is under constant attack?   I would suggest knowing and even understanding the work as a whole and why it’s important today as good disipleship work.   This study will hold the faith that the entire Bible is God breathed.

Let me give an example of not understanding Christian doctrine while interpreting the Bible:

When the majority of “Christian Teachers” teach the reason for death and suffering in the world they reference sin as the cause.

But when the majority of “Christian Teachers” asked about the days of Creation, they say it doesn’t matter if you believe there are billions of years! 

They are not connecting the dots!  Millions of years of death, disease and suffering before Adam sinned doesn’t fit into the Bible!

Many folks try to work millions of years into the Bible with Day Age Theory, Gap Theory, or Theistic Evolution. But what all of these theories do is deny Christ and what He did for us on the cross.   The need for the last Adam (Christ) flows from the sin of the first Adam.  The lie atheists scientists tell is that all their study leads to denying Chirst.  

The evidence fits a Biblical worldview better than anything else.  In fact:  There is more evidence today for a “young” universe than an old one.   There is no working hypothesis on how life could have evolved, not one.  All the real evidence points to a decaying universe and the decaying of every animal’s genetic code.   This is what a Biblical Worldview expects, and it is exactly what we find.  

The fossils record endorsees a Biblical worldview.  If there was a worldwide flood, as the Bible clearly records.  We would expect to find: billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth.  What do we really find?  Billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth.  There is no other explanation for all these fossils.  Fossils don’t form gradually; they need to be buried very quickly to avoid being eaten or decaying away.