Education has taken the first place in our culture. Like so many things, education is not bad but can be used in a very bad way. Science today has become a religion unto itself. Scientists are now the “priests” of our culture. The culture claims that a scientist is pure hearted, only interested in studying truth. What more could we ask of priests than that? Sounds great to me. In truth scientists are human beings with all the failings of all human beings. Many of them believe religion is the enemy. With this mindset they are biased against Christ, and the Bible. With this bias, some will slant information supporting the Bible and exaggerate information they believe attacks the Bible. This is just how most humans act. Most humans have bias, and they let that bias steer their actions. When I was young, it was taught that a critical component of any study was to recognize bias in the research. Now that seems to have gone by the wayside. Scientists publish studies with highly questionable bias. They also make sweeping conclusions without mention of bias in the study. I have looked at some studies quoted, that when examined closely, the methods and conclusions are very easy to discount in their entirety. it appears as if the study was constructed in a way to prove a point. This isn’t even science. Science should construct research to disprove ideas. It’s become political and very hard to trust.