Most asked questions about believing in the Bible.

Do you have answers?


How can you believe in a loving God with all the death and suffering in the world?

This question is the most common objective from opponents of a Biblical worldview.  Every disciple is likely to come across this at some point.  And it also needs to be dealt with in our own hearts.  As we walk with folks that have this question firmly lodged in their hearts, I don’t believe a “canned” answer is best.  Walking with them and listening to their story is a good place to start.  Christian Teachers will mention sin, a fallen world, and free will as answers.  These truths come from the first book of the Bible, Genesis.  Remember that the world sees when we draw on these truths and deny the other key points in the early chapters of Genesis.  People outside the church see this so much better than folks inside the church.  We can be seen as cherry-picking doctrine from Genesis while avoiding the teachings about Creation.  This makes us look like hypocrites in the eyes of an unbelieving world.  We can’t steal doctrine out of a part of the Bible we are unwilling support.  Don’t shy away from teaching about Creation.  There are many answers for us in Genesis.

Hasn’t science disproved the Bible?

Not at all.  The entire educational system has taught multiple generations that Genesis is not true.  At the same time the mounting evidence points toward a young earth/universe.   Even 160 years after Darwin’s theory of “evolution” there is not one single hypothesis about how life could randomly form from non-living chemicals. 

How do you know the Bible is true?

The Bible is the most read, most sold, most studied, most attacked and most copied book of all time.   It is also the most well documented of all ancient writings by far.  Fulfilled Biblical prophecy alone is enough to confirm the Bible as God’s Word. In addition to that, the confirmation of Biblical history confirms the Bible.

What evidence is there for God?

Design requires a designer.  Designed things never randomly form.  We recognize design in the universe. A building requires a builder. Even the “simplest” form of life is much more complex in design than any building.

Who made God?

God is outside of the natural universe.  We know that everything inside the natural universe has a cause.  God is “self-existent” and doesn’t need a cause. 

Where did Cain get his wife?

The first humans had perfect DNA, so “inbreeding” was not an issue.  The first humans married family members. 

How did all the races come about if there were only two people to start with?

As with all life, the genetic complexity allows for an amazing ability to diversify.  Just think of dogs.  We know the countless breeds of dogs all came from the same original dogs. 

Where’s the evidence for the flood of Noah’s day?

Billions of dead things buried in rock layers, laid down by water all over the earth.

Don’t the fossil layers prove millions of years of evolution?

            Fossil layers are much better explained by Noah’s flood.

We know man evolved from apelike creatures, how can we believe in Adam and Eve.

We don’t know this at all.  There is not a single hypothesis of how “new” genetic information could randomly be added to genetic code in order to form new animals. The only recorded mutations always damage DNA. Mutations are like firing a gun into a library, they never write new chapters. They always destroy information in the library. This can help an animal sometimes. If the mutations destroy an area of DNA that makes the animal vulnerable to a certain disease, the mutation can be beneficial. But the mutation never writes new DNA code. An author is needed to write new DNA code that would be needed to form a new animal.

Didn’t dinosaurs live millions of years ago and evolve into birds?

There is no evidence for this.  Scales are folds in an animal’s skin.  Feathers are completely different organs.  This teaching is only imagination.

How could Noah fit all the animals on the ark?

Noah only needed animals that represented each kind of animal.  Two dogs, two cats and so on.  This fact tells us he only needed approximal six thousand animals.   This many would fit on the boat described in Genesis.

Hasn’t science proved evolution as true?

No, still not even one hypothesis on how animals could add genetic code to make different animals.  There is no mechanism for adding new chapters to the genetic code.  It’s like you need an author to write new software for a computer.  You need an author to write new genetic code as well.  Where did the software come from to make code for new animals? 

Isn’t the Bible an outdated book of mythology?

            No.  The Bible is the Word of God.