Discovering that God will accept you as you are, is an important revelation. God loves you and wherever He finds you, He will love and accept you. At the same time, it is often a difficult journey to accept where God is at regarding your life. God has a path He wants you on that is often not the path you want to be on. This is the righteousness that comes by faith. Please read Hebrews Chapter 11. All these folks and their actions done “by faith” are an example to us. Even Christ Himself, said more than once, that He did the will of His Father in Heaven. Jesus did not consider His will as being fully human as something that superseded the Father’s will. To be weaned off spiritual milk means to act in faith according to our Father’s will. Act in accordance with faith in God’s will Spiritual milk is to learn truths about God, to act them out in our lives is spiritual solid food. Can you follow God? His will not yours, this is what He has always asked. Trust in God, repent of your own ways. The way that seems right to you, leads to death.

If you are wondering if God can love you, He can. He does. He will accept you wherever you are at! Amazing love of God! Just sit and think of that for a while. All the stuff you don’t like about you, and God still loves you, like the best Father you can imagine. If you love God, He asks you accept Him where He is at and adopt His view for your life.